We got good news!!! Ryan was matched with a service dog. Her name is "Journey". She is a soon to be 2 year old female black lab. She was Ryan's first choice, so he is very excited. She is very attentive. Look at her focusing on her puppy raiser in the above picture! They are training Journey now to do things specifically for Ryan and his needs.
Ryan is planning on having Journey sit at attention when he takes his timed math fact tests so that if he drops his pencil she can be ready to pick it up for him. Typically, she would lie under his desk until she was needed.
Team training is tentatively scheduled for February. It's for 2 1/2 weeks 8 hours/day. It will commence with Ryan and Journey passing a public access test and then becoming a working service dog team.
We are hoping to get some more information and pictures of Journey in the near future.